West Nile Virus (WNV) Prediction with Classical Machine Learning
In this page, I walk through my approach to predicting West Nile Virus (WNV) cases in California counties from 2004 to 2023 using Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), and Histogram Gradient Boosting Regressor (HGBR).
The process involves key steps such as data preparation, hyperparameter tuning, model training, and performance evaluation. I also explore advanced techniques like bootstrapping to assess model reliability and SHAP-based feature interpretation to uncover the drivers behind the predictions.
1. Data Preprocessing
- Load data and remove unnecessary columns.
- Drop zero-variance features and handle missing values
- Data between year 2004 and 2018 are selected as training data, after 2018 as testing data
- 80% of the training data are used for hyperparameter tuning, the other 20% are used for validation
- Normalize features using
2. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Optimize the hyperparameters of the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model using hyperopt
to improve predictive accuracy.
- Define a search space for SVM hyperparameters (
, andgamma
). - Use the
library to perform the search. - Train the final model using the best hyperparameters.
3. Random Forest (RF)
Optimize the hyperparameters of the Random Forest Regressor (RF) model to improve predictive accuracy.
- Define the hyperparameter search space (
, etc.). - Use the
library to find the best combination of hyperparameters. - Train the final model with the selected hyperparameters.
4. Histogram-based GradientBoostingRegressor (HGBR)
Optimize the hyperparameters of the HistGradientBoostingRegressor (HGBR) model for accurate WNV predictions.
- Define the hyperparameter search space, including parameters like
, andmax_iter
. - Use the
library to perform optimization. - Train the final model with the selected hyperparameters.
5. Model Comparison
Compare the performance of the three models—SVM, Random Forest (RF), and HistGradientBoostingRegressor (HGBR)—using Q² and Mean Squared Error (MSE) metrics.
- Collect R² and MSE metrics for each model.
- Visualize the results to compare performance.

Figure 1: Model evaluation with Q² and MSE, Red represents Q² and blue represents MSE
6. Bootstrapping for Robust Estimation
Additionally, incorporating bootstrapping to estimate 95% confidence intervals ensures a robust understanding of SVM model performance, offering insights into the variability and reliability of the results. This rigorous approach supports confident decision-making in modeling and prediction.
- Bootstrapping using test data from 2019 to 2023
- Based on the model trained on training data from 2004 to 2018
- Perform bootstraping with 1000 iteration, store the Q² and MSE value for each iteration
- Calcultae 95% confident interval
- Plot the bootstrapping results

Figure 2: Bootstrapping result of Q² distrbution, itr=1000

Figure 3: Bootstrapping result of MSE distrbution, itr=1000
7. SHAP Value Analysis for Variable Importance
Analyze the predictions of the SVM model using SHAP values to identify the contribution of each feature to the model's output.
Figure 4: Bar plot of Global SHAP values to overall variable importance. The mean absolute value of each feature over all the instances (rows) of the dataset as global SHAP value
In order to check how each individual sample contribute to the model's prediction, you can specify Year, Month and County to see specific sample and what is each variable's contribution to the prediction of this sample.
Figure 5: Bar plot of Local SHAP value to show individual sample variable importance